May 16, 2011

What else I saw in April

Definitely, Maybe (2008)

This was one of the better romcoms of the recent years. Ryan Reynolds is divorcing his wife and when their daughter is taught about the birds and the bees at school, he ends up telling her the story of the women in his life. Abigail Breslin is as awesome as always. And uncharacteristically for romcoms, I wasn't entirely sure with who he'd end up with! I mean, sure, my first guess was correct, but at times I had doubts. One thumb up for that. Otherwise, the movie was quite forgettable, and one watch was enough, but that one watch was quite enjoyable.

Hard Candy (2005)

Well. Look what Ellen Page was doing before Juno got her knocked up! She did nasty things to nasty old men. And she did it well! The movie is quite creepy and a bit revolting, but it keeps you in its grip while it lasts. It also has one of the coolest posters ever!

Jane Eyre (2006)

Technically this is a TV mini-series, but anyway. I watched this to revise for an exam. Why studying can't always be like that, haha? I wasn't sure about Ruth Wilson playing Jane, but she won me over eventually. And I didn't despise this Mr. Rochester nearly as much as the novel's equivalent, hurray! The exam didn't go as well as planned, but at least the revising was fun. Now I'm looking forward to the newest version of Jane Eyre, coming out this year. We'll see how repulsive Mr. Rochester will be this time, haha.
Strictly Ballroom (1992)

Baz Luhrman might have directed one of my favourite movies ever, Moulin Rouge!, but that's pretty much the only decent thing he's ever constructed, it seems. I mean, this one? It was okay, I guess, but just okay and nothing else. A bit silly, it was, and not in a good way. Dance flicks are always nice, but this one didn't fire me up at all. I'm now trying to come up with something nice to say, but nothing comes to mind. Hmm. It's been a few weeks, was it really this bad? I guess it was. Shame. Kind of.

The Last Song (2010)

So, I watched this to celebrate my blog's first anniversary, and what a lousy party it was! Haha. No, but... Yeah. It was. Anyway, I was curious to see 1) whether Miley Curys would still piss me off even if I really tried not to get pissed off, and 2) what Gale will be like in the Hunger Game films. The results: 1) yes, and 2) still no opinion. So, a really great watch! Truly worthy my time! Let's see it again, NOW! ... Okay, it really wasn't so miserably bad. A little, though.


Marja said...

Congratulations on your anniversary :)! I loved the Jane Eyre miniseries. Rotchester won me over completely! Ah, strictly ballroon is also such a sweet film!

Maybe I'll have to watch the Last song eventually also to see if Liam "Chris' brother" Hemsworth can really act... or maybe not...

Eeva said...

Thanks! ^^

I watched The Last Song but I still don't know if he can act or not. The movie didn't really give him any chance to show that possible talent... I guess we have to wait for The Hunger Games!