A Very Potter Musical is a fan-made parody of the world of Harry, made by a group of students (including one Darren Criss, who later would move on to bigger circles and rock the Glee universe as every teenager's dream, Blaine (edit// and who even later might do what all respectable Harry Potters do and star in Broadway's How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying after Dan Radcliffe retires from the show. Love the symbolism!)) in the University of Michigan in 2009. It's seriously funny as hell and the songs are not just catchy but seriously good, too, and it's just seriously fantastic and totally awesome and it makes you want to quote it in every single situation you get into in a daily basis.
I'm not sure if enough people (meaning absolutely everyone!) know about this, so if you haven't seen this master piece before, now's the freaking time.
I'm not sure if enough people (meaning absolutely everyone!) know about this, so if you haven't seen this master piece before, now's the freaking time.
And it doesn't matter if you've seen it already. One more time is never too much!
(If you ask me: What about after I've watched A Very Potter Musical? How do I fill that hole? Well, let me tell you. With A Very Potter Sequel, of course!)
"That's the thing about Hogwarts. No matter how long you're away from it, there's always a way back."
Ah, less than three.
"That's the thing about Hogwarts. No matter how long you're away from it, there's always a way back."
Ah, less than three.
Pitäisi joskus katsoa tuokin uudestaan. Laulut todellakin ovat tarttuvia. AVPM on aika epätunnettu Suomessa, mutta muutama kaverini on katsonut sen (minun painostuksestani) ja näin Potterin ensi-illassa tytön jonka paidassa luki Keep Calm it gonna be totally awesome.
Näin mäkin oon ymmärtänyt, että hirveesti huomiota AVPM ei ole Suomessa saanut. Siksi vähän ajattelinkin mainostaa, koska tämä kyllä huomionsa ansaitsisi. ;) Olin aika yllättynyt kun keväällä Suomen enkunopiskelijoiden tapaamisessa Turun yliopistolaiset esitti sen avausnumeron! Baby we're not alone after all! :D
Keep calm it's gonna be totally awesome? :D Aw! <3 Ihana. Rakastan kaikkia noita nokkelia Keep calm -printtejä. Vähänkö haluan sellasen paidan. Toistaiseksi ehkä tyydyn siihen että lisäsin sen tähän postaukseen sekä työpöytäni taustakuvaksi... :D
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